Pho chopstix
The proposal to establish 'Vietnamese Noodle Day' is December 121280
As one of the delicious pho restaurants located in District 3 - Pho Vietnam is outstanding with the use of pho with stone stew and how to make noodles in the restaurant. That is like a new wind blowing into pho restaurants in Saigon....
Vietnamese Pho Dishes Connecting People
Diners come to the day of pho that does not distinguish rich - poor or luxurious - cowardly, come to pho to come to love, to Vietnamese cuisine, to friendly people from all parts of the country, Pho will connect everyone
Real Customers Enjoy the Vietnamese Pho
The traditional Pho stalls are crowded with guests, most of them want to enjoy a hot bowl of pho with famous Vietnamese Pho brands such as Vietnamese Pho (homemade), Pho Phu Gia and Pho Nhat Pho. In the pressurized space, with the tables, the chair is made of bamboo like the beauty of Pho - simple but delicate
How Beef Noodle Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup Is Delicious
According to diners at "the day of Pho Vietnam", a delicious bowl of pho must be a bowl of pho with fresh ingredients, to ensure the proper processing of rice, whether it is beef noodle soup or chicken noodle soup, with specialties of different kinds of water. use of each type of pho must be different, such as beef noodle soup must have sweetness from meat and bone tube, chicken noodle soup must be in the flavor of finely chopped scallions.